Not counting today, there are just three, yes three days left of preschool! My daughters are excited because this means they will soon be kindergarteners. They seem to think the minute preschool is over, they will head to the "big building" for kindergarten. If only it were that simple.
I never realize how much I appreciate the downtime provided by school, until my daughters are on a break. I enjoy spending time with them, but things get a lot more hectic when they're not in school. For instance, beginning in June Sue Sue will resume her weekly physical therapy sessions. She was discharged from year 'round therapy, but we like to find areas to focus on during the summer to build her muscle strength. This means on Mondays we'll spend the morning getting all of us there by 10 am, (I'm guessing this means I will not shower before the sessions), keeping the other three entertained during the session, rush home for lunch and then spend the afternoon trying to get in the mindset to go to work. I'm also working to resume our swim lessons with our fantastically wonderful swim instructor. (All winter long my daughters wanted to know why they couldn't go swimming. Ummm... because our neighborhood pool is outside?!)
We have a membership to our local zoo. This comes in handy when we're looking for something to do, but don't have any creative ideas. The zoo is fairly close, so we can go and stay as long or as little as we like. I also found a great deal on a membership to our local butterfly pavilion ($24!! It's normally $65. We saved money on our very first visit since admission without a membership is more than $24 for the six of us). I'm hoping we can swing over there on rainy days.
We live near two local libraries. The one closest to us is less than a year old. It's beautiful. Unfortunately, the free classes for kids fill up fast. The other library is older and has a smaller selection of kid's books, but the classes are easier to get into. (It still seems strange to me that you have to register for story time. What happened to just showing up and joining in the fun?)
We are fortunate to live near numerous subdivisions, all with their own playgrounds. We rotate through the parks so we don't become "bored." (That's their favorite word right now).
I'm actually looking forward to the summer. Yes, we will be busy, but hopefully we'll embark on some great adventures.
**Don't forget, Buried in Laundry is nominated to be on the Top 25 Parents with Multiples List by Circle of Moms. You can vote once every 24 hours through May 30. Please take a moment to visit the list of nominees and vote for Buried in Laundry. Thanks!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
That butterfly pavilion membership is a steal!
I'm hoping to entertain the kids at home a lot this summer, but we'll see how it goes. I definitely need to acquire a wading pool...
Oh here is another, the gymnastic place in my area offers a "free Play" hour from 11-12. however, "free" in this instance does not imply free to the wallet. It means all things are open to outside children coming in to use the equipment, jumping pit, balls trampolines, balancing beems and any other thing they have. It's $6 a kid here. So if you have a gymnastics building in your area call and ask about a play hour or suggest they have one, this one seems to make a killing in an hour!
It always seemed to me that by late August we had summer worked out and everyone was fine. It was mid-summer that held the problems.
I'm glad it's your problem and not mine. (grin)
I feel your pain . . . my big girls' last day of school is next Thursday, and then all 4 girls will be home for the summer. Let the chaos begin!
I agree with you 100 percent about signing up in advance for storytime. I'm never organized or prepared enough to register before the slots fill up - which is a real bummer. I took my oldest to storytime all the time and it was awesome. Have a great summer!
Sounds like you've got some great options for summer fun. We have butterfly garden somewhat near us, but I've never checked to see if they sell memberships. I think my kids might enjoy that as well.
Can't wait to read about all your summer adventures!
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