Much to my dismay, our house does not have a fire place. Our home in northern Michigan did and the cats and I were quite spoiled by it during the winter. When we moved, a fire place wasn't a deal breaker, but it was on my list of "wants." Unfortunately, it just didn't happen. Now my daughters want to know how Santa will get in the house.
When the question came up, I gave them the first explanation I could think of: Santa will knock softly on the front door and mommy or daddy will let him in. They liked that idea but were still concerned Santa might not find our house since there's no chimney. Then their preschool teacher came up with an excellent project: Magic Reindeer Food. Each child filled a small baggie with "reindeer food" (oatmeal) and "magic dust" (glitter or small shiny ribbon). On Christmas Eve my daughters will sprinkle the food on our sidewalk. When the reindeer see the food, they'll know to come to our house. I thought it was a really cute idea. Oh, but if you try this at home, remember the teacher's final words: the reindeer will be eating lots of food that night, so there might be some left on your sidewalk and lawn in the morning!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
My mother-in-law got us a "Santa key". It's a beautiful golden key with an image of Santa engraved on it. We hang it outside on Christmas Eve, with the understanding that it's a magic key only Santa can use.
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Unfortunately, I have no idea where to buy it. My family owned it when I was a kid. If you do ever see it for sale somewhere, please let me know? We don't have a chimney either, and I would love a copy for my kids.
I've heard about the Santa key, but never actually seen one.
I'll keep an eye out for the book MaryAnne. We read the Polar Express on Christmas Eve, a fun tradition that reminds me of my mom.
What a cute idea! I'll have to remember that for years to come.
Our town has a Breakfast with Santa where kids can go and sit on Santa's lap, tell him their Christmas wishes, and get their pictures taken. While waiting in line, Mrs. Claus comes around and takes down information from the kids, which includes whether or not the house has a chimney (or if you'll be at a different location, like Grammy's house). If your house doesn't have a chimney, she shows you the special, magic key that Santa uses to get into homes without chimney's. We'll definitely be needing this once our kids get old enough to understand how the whole Santa thing works, as we also have no chimney.
I love that!!
That's a cute story.
Cute!! I am glad to hear that you have the reindeer food ready :)
Thanks for the idea! Now I'll know what to say if the kiddos start asking questions!
Go to any hardware store and buy a pretty colored blank key and say it is the magic key that Santa uses.
Aunt Natalie
This year they're happy with the Reindeer food, but I have a feeling next year I'll have to go the key route.
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