May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day Gift

What did I receive for Mother's Day? A chance to launch my new blog. Welcome to the new site for Got Quads? I've changed the name, changed my host and tah-dah, here I am. It's a work in progress, so you'll need to bear with me. I'm still the same 'ol Quadmama and I hope to be back to basics fairly soon.


Stephanie Manner Wagner said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Anonymous said...

Welcome and good luck with your new site. Hope you had a great mother's day!

Anonymous said...

Quad daughters and you have time to blog! Bless you!! :D Hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day and good luck with your blog!

Mom's Fortress of Solitude said...

I love the new name! Thanks for letting me know of the switch. I'm following you here, now.


Stephanie Barr said...

Sorry, I did note your blog, but I haven't shown up yet because of illness and then technical difficulties.

Quadmama said...

I read about your health and technology issues, so I cut you some slack ; )

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