May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day Gift

What did I receive for Mother's Day? A chance to launch my new blog. Welcome to the new site for Got Quads? I've changed the name, changed my host and tah-dah, here I am. It's a work in progress, so you'll need to bear with me. I'm still the same 'ol Quadmama and I hope to be back to basics fairly soon.


Anonymous said...

Welcome and good luck with your new site. Hope you had a great mother's day!

Anonymous said...

Quad daughters and you have time to blog! Bless you!! :D Hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day and good luck with your blog!

Mom's Fortress of Solitude said...

I love the new name! Thanks for letting me know of the switch. I'm following you here, now.


Stephanie Barr said...

Sorry, I did note your blog, but I haven't shown up yet because of illness and then technical difficulties.

Quadmama said...

I read about your health and technology issues, so I cut you some slack ; )

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