The last day of preschool is next week. I think it's going to be difficult for my daughters to understand the concept of summer vacation. Now I need to find some activities for us to do in order to fill the "gap."
I've looked into story time at the library, but I don't always want to be inside. The "nicer" library near us actually requires you to register for story time, rather than just show up at will.
I know we'll spend lots of time at the neighborhood pool. There's a decent size baby pool, but I'll have to refer to it as "the little pool" this year. I've been reminded too many times that "we're not babies, we're big girls." The pool rules are changing this summer... some good, some bad. Instead of being closed on Mondays for maintenance the pool will now be open 7 days a week. Unfortunately, food is no longer allowed at the pool, so there go my plans to arrive mid-mornings with a packed lunch. Oh well, we're close enough to the pool that we can just run home for lunch. Summer should be interesting this year since my daughters are more active than ever.
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
2 months ago
Hi quadmama, goodluck on your new blog.I will add your link to my blog in a little while. Happy Mothers day!
Thanks for coming by, shydub.
Summer vacation is a terrible thing to do to mothers. But they haven't yet found a solution.
Good luck. The pool sounds like a great idea.
The only thing that would help is year round school... then our breaks would be three weeks at a time!
I've always thought year round school would be nice. Everyone gets much needed breaks throughout the year and not so much time to lose everything they learned.
In college I routinely took summer classes and found I retained a lot more by the time the fall quarter rolled around. I still don't know if year-round school is the way to go but it would be nice to have the option.
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