January 04, 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

I've never had really long hair. Growing up, my mom made me get a "pixie cut" every summer, although to me it was called a "boy haircut." I vowed never to do that to my daughters. Then I had girls with tangled messes for hair.
I'm willing to do simple hair styles... ponytails, braids, barrettes. I'm not able to do more elaborate 'dos (think French braids). My daughters don't seem to mind. I don't make them get a pixie cut, but they do end up with a bob a few times a year. Usually I'll let their hair grow out in the summer and then cut it right before school starts. This might seem backwards to some... they should have short hair for summer, right? But I would rather get all the chlorinated, sun damaged hair cut off.
At the beginning of this school year, only Roo and Cakes had hair long enough to justify a $10 haircut. I won't pay $10 for a trim. I do all bang trims myself. Soon, Tortilla needed a cut, but since she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween, I let her keep her unruly locks until November. Days after Halloween she happily went to a chin-length bob.
This has never been a problem, until now. The other day I mentioned to Sue Sue that it's about time for her to get a haircut. Her response: I want long hair. Right now her hair is about shoulder length. If it gets cut, it's going chin length. She wants to keep it the way it is. I don't mind, except her hair is always in her face. So I made a deal with her, she has to wear some type of 'do (headband, ponytail, whatever we decide each morning) and keep it in. If she starts pulling out the accessories mid-morning, as she is known to do, then she has to have her haircut. So far our deal is working. It means a few extra minutes are added to the morning routine, but as long as she's keeping up her end of the bargain, I'll stick with it.


Stephanie Barr said...

By the way, "Tangled" was terrific.

Won't help much in the hair getting cut battles, though.

MaryAnne said...

I like your deal. Emma's hair has yet to grow past her shoulders, so I've escaped this problem so far. I'm making progress on keep hairdos in, though - slowly but surely...

Lauren said...

What cute names!! My daughters are the same. While one has short curly hair the other long, straight. The one with long hair teases her twin saying her name is Tangled because she has long hair. The one with short asks everyday is her hair growing like Repunzels? I really enjoy your posts!

Renae said...

I think it's great that you're willing to let her give long hair a try. The deal seems clear so that as long as she does her part, she gets to have what she wants. Has anyone else now mentioned that they'd like to grow long hair too?

Holly G said...

That's great that the deal is working! My daughter is still a bit young to totally comprehend a deal like that, but I wish she would because her hair is always in her face and she throws a fit if I try to take her to get a haircut. Ugh!

Quadmama said...

Some of them have indicated they would like longer hair... but then they're always excited to get a haircut. Go figure.

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