Yesterday was a "first" for me. It was the first time I took all four of my girls to the grocery store to do a week's worth of shopping. I've taken them to run in for a few things, but this was different. I often take one with me to the store. The most I had previously taken was three, which was easy. I used one of those "car" shopping carts, put two in the car and one in the cart seat and it was easy. This time, though, I knew all four of them would have to.... walk.
It actually wasn't a bad experience. I don't know if it's something I want to repeat any time soon, but at least I know it's doable. They (mostly) stayed with me. They helped put things in the cart. We only ran into a handful of cranky shoppers who didn't want to wait for our parade to pass by. For the most part, the other shoppers were friendly and accommodating.
I ran into a minor crisis going back to the car. On the way into the store, we could all hold hands in the parking lot. On the way out I was suddenly burdened by a shopping cart full of groceries. I instantly regretted not accepting the bagger's offer to help me out to the car. I had each of the girls hold onto the cart and we slowly made our way to the car. Somehow we managed to make the journey without a single car driving by.
Like I said, I don't know if I'll do it again anytime soon, but at least I know it can be done!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
Your my hero. :) I don't even take my 2 shopping anymore!
All can say is "wow"! And shame on the cranky shoppers who didn't want to wait for you!!
You are amazing. I almost never go anywhere with all three of mine by myself, and you've got four! Wow. :)
Woo hoo! My hat is off to you! I just love "Mommy milestones"...there's not a place for them in the baby book, but I think there should be! :)
I take the girls shopping from time to time, and unless I just need a couple of things, I keep them in their stroller, pushing it and pulling the cart along behind me. I think it's such a study in human behavior to see how people respond. Off the top of my head, I'd say 20% of people will make a well-meaning "wow...hands full"-kind of comment; 70% of people are courteous / ambivalent but don't say much; and then there's 10% of people that seem to look at me as if I should have gotten a sitter. Hahahaha!!!
I'm impressed! The parking lot is always scary, even with three.
What an accomplishment! Merry Christmas :)
I take my youngest two on all-day shopping trips all the time, but that's because my husband loves to shop IF I'm going. They're old hands and my son, now seven, is an expert and keeping hold of the cart. Works like a charm.
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