Twice a year, you get the privilege of reading my Daylight Savings Time Rant. I hate "falling back." When I was younger (ie: any time before kids), I appreciated the extra hour of sleep. I do not like the shorter days. I don't care if the sun comes up earlier, it goes down earlier, too, and it's no fun having it be dark by 5 pm. I like seeing the sun until well into the evening.
Now that I have children, there is no such luxury as an extra hour of sleep. They have their internal clocks programmed to "butt crack of dawn" year-round. Twice a year I am in a no-win situation. When we "spring forward," no one is ready for bed. When we "fall back," everyone is up way too early.
This time, though, I was ready. I knew just how to get that extra sleep. Thanks to our local library, on Saturday I armed myself with a copy of How to Train Your Dragon. After an afternoon at the park, a meal of make-your-own pita pizzas and a bubble bath, the girls were treated to our first every Movie Night. We popped pop corn and settled into the couch for the movie. By the time the movie was over, all four girls were bleary eyed and asking if they could go to bed. By "regular time" they stayed up almost an hour later than usual. They were up by 5:30 am. I wish I were joking. 5:30 am! Even without DST, it would have been 6:30 am, which is still earlier than they typically wake up on the weekends!
So, for whatever reason, my plan was foiled. I am storing this, and other "early morning incidents" in my Mommy Memory Bank. Don't think I won't use this against them when they are teenagers and finally appreciate the luxury of sleeping in!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
Yeah, but How to Train Your Dragon is an awesome movie.
All I can come up with is yuck...My sisters had the same problem. It didn't matter what the clock said Sunday morning...their boys were up! Maybe you can nap a little today while they are at school!! :)
Since the girls were born, I grumble (loudly!) with every time change. I just think, I'm pretty sure the "inventor" of Daylight Savings Time didn't have to worry with keeping small children on a schedule...HA!
But how much fun is family movie night?! I'm looking forward to that in another couple of years. :)
All grumbling aside, the movie was good.
We need to watch that movie. We're having DST issues here, too...
I used to love the "fall back" time of year. That extra hour was always so, so nice. Now it's nothing but a pain. I started the transition really early this year- about a week ahead of time- and by Friday morning, we were living as though the end of DST had already happened. So, we were right on schedule Monday morning (no waking up too early), but the whole week before, I was dealing with a longer morning and a later bedtime, which meant less kidless time in the evening. And, yeah, I hate that it's dark at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's just so wrong.
We're still out of whack because I didn't have the foresight to start the transition a little earlier. Hopefully by the end of the week...
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