I should know better than to think a busy week will ever go as planned. All weekend long I thought Sue Sue and Cakes were having major allergy issues. Hubby and I have been having allergy problems lately, so it didn't concern me when Sue Sue and Cakes started sneezing a lot and coughing and had runny noses and goop coming out of their eyes.
Then I woke up yesterday and realized what a fool I had been. I knew the second I looked at Cakes... Pink Eye. Then Sue Sue started throwing up... which has nothing to do with Pink Eye, but I'll get to that in a minute. I called the pediatrician's office and the nurse immediately faxed a prescription to the pharmacy for Cakes. When we started discussing Sue Sue's symptoms, she said the doctor needed to see her.
So instead of going to work, I took Sue Sue to the pediatrician. She was severely dehydrated. I already knew she was having hydration issues. On Sunday she ate an OK lunch, but never ate again after that. I had to force water in her. How she became so dehydrated between lunch Sunday and our Monday morning appointment is beyond me. Even the doctor was surprised... and said if she couldn't keep down a popsicle in his office then he was sending us straight to the ER for IV fluids. Fortunately, she kept down the popsicle. She's slowly starting to be herself again.
Did I mention she also has Pink Eye? There is a never a dull moment in our house. I am now frantically washing and sterilizing the house to keep everyone else healthy.
In the middle of all this, I started a new job on top of my part-time retail gig. I'm now scoring tests for Pearson. Somehow, in all this madness, I actually managed to get my work done yesterday. (I did it after everyone was in bed, which had been my plan all along).
Sue Sue and Cakes are no longer contagious so here's hoping the other two managed to avoid the dreaded Pink Eye!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
Dreaded pink eye is right! Hope you've managed to contain it, and your other 2 don't catch it. What a way to start your new job! (Hang in there)
If not, I've got extra prescriptions for them!
Poor things. the bunch of you. :(
I'm glad the contagious part is over!
All I can say is: Superwoman!!
Pink eye is the worst! And it always spreads like crazy. I really hope everyone else at home has managed to avoid it. I can only imagine how long it must have taken to sterilize everything in the house.
I'm one of those people who wants to know WHERE they picked it up... most likely school...
I HATE when that happens. Good luck and good for you for getting it all handled.
Guess you didn't have much choice.
After the chaos of yesterday, I feel like we're finally getting back on track (as much as we can with two sickies).
Big hugs to you all!
Thanks! Everyone is on the mend... three will be in school today and hopefully all four will be there tomorrow!
I'm sorry! Good luck with the scoring AND retail jobs, and I hope everyone feels better (and stays better) soon!
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