June 21, 2010


All six of us are fair skinned. We can burn in the shade. I'm already close to finishing off a bottle of sunscreen for the girls this summer. Fortunately, they've never been opposed to sunscreen. I hear horror stories from other moms about squirmers who refuse to have sunscreen applied.
I quickly learned not to put sunscreen from a bottle on their faces. Two years ago I made this mistake. By the time we got to the pool everyone's eyes were swollen and bloodshot. None of them had rubbed their eyes, so I'm guessing the sunscreen ran into their eyes. I now use a stick form of sunscreen on their faces.
At a recent appointment with my dermatologist, I asked her about SPF. Her opinion is that anything over 30 is pretty much the same (funny, because she gave me samples and they were 50 SPF). I think for now I'm going to stick to 50.
I'm diligent about putting sunscreen on the girls. Unfortunately, I tend to overlook myself. Just a few weeks ago I wound up with a painful sun burn because in all the commotion of getting the girls ready I forgot to put any on me. I now apply my sunscreen first so I don't forget.
Now I'm off to replenish our supply so we can continue enjoying our summer.


MaryAnne said...

I've made that sunscreen from a bottle mistake before, too. I'm so glad the sticks don't run!

I've also heard the same thing about SPF 30 being as strong as you need.

Christina said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the problem with the sunscreen in the faces, if its not from the stick! I even put baby Aveeno on them, and I had to wash her up before we left. I love the stick stuff too!

reanbean said...

I tried the stick stuff last summer, but something got messed up and the stick came off inside the cap and never came out. I was mad because I'd heard such great things about it and did find it really easy to apply. But I didn't buy a new one. I've been using Eucerin Face Sensitive lotion with SPF 30, and that's working so far. My kids are pretty light skinned even though I'm not. I always remember the sunscreen for them, but not for me. And even though I never burn, I know I need to be better at getting in on myself. Perhaps I'll try the me-first method that you've adopted. Sounds like it might solve my problem as well.

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