My babies are six! How did they get so old? Their big day was yesterday and we all had a blast, despite a few snafus.
We started the day bright and early... 7am. I'm pretty sure they were up before then, but the night before I told them not to wake us up until the sun was up. I'm surprised they held off as long as they did. After opening gifts, Hubby made pancakes. I had to cut everyone off after two because I knew there would be plenty of cake and cupcakes to come.
Hubby picked up the cake for yesterday's party and the cupcakes for school. (Yes, I'm that mom, the one who sends in store bought cupcakes. I don't have the time to make 45 cupcakes!) Hubby came home with one box of cupcakes. I ordered two. I frantically called the bakery. The woman who answered tried to tell me I only ordered one box. I told her to look at the form again. She told me I filled the form out wrong. I told her a bakery employee filled it out. She said she would have the second box ready in about 10 minutes. Crisis averted, except for the fact that Hubby had to drive back to the store.
We celebrated with a small cookout in the backyard and only invited two families with children, plus our neighbors and my in-laws. At the last minute one family wasn't able to attend, but the other family we invited has triplets, so there were still plenty of kids to help us celebrate!
By the end of the night we were all exhausted. Two of my girls were asleep within minutes of being tucked in. The other two were out soon after that.
This morning they played a few rounds of their new game Hungry Hungry Hippo and then headed to school with 45 pink Toy Story cupcakes. All in all, it was a great 6th birthday!
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
3 months ago
Happy Birthday to your girls!
Our school district doesn't allow cupcakes (or treats of any sort) for birthdays. They say that instead you can donate a book to the classroom...
Happy birthday to your sweet girls! And congrats to you and hubby, too! :) Glad you had such a fun celebration...and what a fun day I'm sure they'll have at school, too!
@MaryAnne: that's too bad your school district doesn't allow birthday treats. I'm guessing it's due to food allergies and financial issues (not wanting kids to feel bad if they can't bring something). I just remember always looking forward to taking in treats, so I'm glad my girls can, too!
Happy belated Birthday to your girls! It sounds like you had a really nice time celebrating their special day!
I too was surprised that you were able to take cupcakes to the school. The school district where I used to teach has a strict no food sharing policy (due mostly to food allergies), and I think the school my kids will attend does as well. I too remember loving taking a special treat to school on my birthday. I guess I'll find out, once my kids are in school, whether or not any other kind of celebratory sharing (like stickers or pencils) is allowed. I hope so!
Wow! 6 already!?! Where has the time gone?? Happy Birthday to your sweet girls :)
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