A few weeks ago a moth took up residence in our house. My daughters were terrified of the moth, just like they're inexplicably terrified of all bugs, including gnats. Once I explained the moth was just like a butterfly they were no longer concerned. So it seemed like a good idea to go to our local butterfly pavillion.
We actually have taken the girls two previous times. The first trip they were about one-and-a-half. Everyone liked it, but Sue-Sue had the most fun. She wanted to see each and every butterfly. The second time we went my daughters were about two or two-and-a-half. Most of them were scared of the butterflies and it turned into a less than enjoyable experience. Roo would freeze whenever a butterfly flew near her.
This time I specifically asked them if they wanted to go see butterflies. I even told them the butterflies would be flying around and might land on them. Everyone wanted to go. Roo, Tortilla and Cakes held up pretty well. They thought it was a lot of fun, although they didn't really like it when the butterflies dive-bombed them. Sue-Sue, however, was not into it. Every time I pointed out a butterfly to her she would cover her eyes or shout "no." A butterfly landed on my back and she wouldn't hold my hand until it flew away. After awhile, though, she realized the butterflies weren't so bad. She would point out all the butterflies to me, but she just didn't want them to get too close to her.
Strangely enough, the thing they asked to see the most was the bug room. They liked seeing the huge spiders and cockroaches. No one, including me, was brave enough to hold the trantula, yet all of my girls kept wanting to see other kids hold it. I think they simply wanted to keep the trantula in their sites to make sure it hadn't somehow escaped.
Twin Mom Struggles: Juggling Double Duty Every Day
2 months ago
Lee calls them "evil evil butterflies". I have no idea why.
His sister is terrified of bugs. When she was a kid, she went through a new exhibit with her mom. They did not realize, when they went in (it was one of those traffic only one-way dealies) that they had models of bugs EIGHT FEET high. Lee's sister clambered up her mother screaming so piercingly and didn't stop until they'd made it outside. A newspaper report actually asked them (while the kid was still screaming with a stranglehold on her mother, what they thought of the exhibit, but the station had to bleep out her answer). Someone recorded the kid's screaming and it was actually used for advertising. Illegally, I'm sure.
For awhile my nephew was convinced butterflies could bite him. Maybe these kids are on to something.
Oh, that is so funny! It reminds me of when I took my two to the butterfly garden at our zoo. Angel (who hates bugs) was fine with the butterflies, but Tyler was petrified everything they would fly near him!
We also walked up on a small crowd that was watching a butterfly circle around another butterfly that was lying still on the ground. "Is it dead?" I whispered to the zoo attendant. She explained that it wasn't dead, but the butterfly flying around wanted to mate. The other one had already mated, so it was pretending it was dead so the other butterfly would leave it alone. The funniest thing was that all the woman standing around nodded like they understood!
Ha!!!! That's funny.
Other colorful butterflies are lovely, but moth, yeah thats why your girls dont like them. I'm glad your kids were having great time at the butterfly pavillion. Im sure they will like them when they are old enough.
Thanks for the visit.
my kids love butterflies, but they've never been around a whole bunch at once, which I could see being frightening. They are both terrified of bees, but that's a fear I'm not sure I want to "cure"...
Interestingly enough the butterfly pavilion had a live honey comb and the girls were fascinated. Didn't dawn on me that perhaps I should warn them bees aren't exactly "friendly."
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